Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Apocalypse Now - 1649 Words

Apocalypse Now I have always enjoyed movies. But at some point I started to think of movies as more than just entertainment. I began to view them as a movie critic would, rather than just a casual viewer. Because of this perspective, I think of Apocalypse Now as one of the best American made movies I have ever seen. As a student of and an active participant in the late twentieth century media age, I feel justified in making this statement. In my lifetime of observation of American media, including fourteen months of intense movie watching in conjunction with my employment at a local video store, I have had an opportunity to observe a broad sampling of the films, and feel more than qualified to make this statement. By referring to†¦show more content†¦Apocalypse Now is the story of a Green Beret named Willard who journeys through Vietnam by river to confront an officer who left the army in the pursuit of his own private war. Willards journey is not just a trip down a river, it is a metaphor ical journey, and creates the effect of multiple levels of meaning. In addition to a superbly constructed story, Apocalypse Now can be viewed as a social commentary, an exploration of human conscience, or a moral metaphor. I truly enjoy dissecting and analyzing movies, as well as literate, at this level. I try to understand what the author, or film maker is really trying to say. Looking at the movie from one angle, it can be considered a social commentary of the war in Viet Nam. By including such characters as Lance B. Johnson, who clearly represents President Lyndon B. Johnson, we see him lose his personality and conscientiousness to the war, eventually having to be dragged out of the fire by the soldier, Willard. This is also demonstrated by the scene where Coppula, himself, appears as a war commentator attempting to direct the actions of the soldier fighting before him. When looking at the movie from this angle Apocalypse Now is similar to a style which I associate with Oliver Stones latter movies, JFK and Natural Born Killers. I also see the movie as a journey between the polar oppositesShow MoreRelated Apocalypse Now, Apocalypse Forever2580 Words   |  11 PagesApocalypse Now, Apocalypse Forever Francis Ford Coppolas magnum opus Apocalypse Now was ladened with problems and difficulties before and after filming. These problems ranged from those having to do with the cast and crew, to those having to do with the circumstances surrounding the filming, to those having to do with the script, to those dealing in direct regard to the very sanity of all of those involved with Apocalypse Now. Despite the myriad of problems that contributed to this acclaimedRead MoreIn Search of the Unknown: Apocalypse Now1584 Words   |  6 PagesIn Search of the Unknown Apocalypse Now is a film based on the story Heart of Darkness, written by Joseph Conrad. 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Kurtz, who has gone mad andRead MoreApocalypse Now By Francis Ford Coppola1073 Words   |  5 PagesIn Francis Ford Coppola’s, Apocalypse Now (1979), you follow the journey of Captain Benjamin L. Willard, as he makes his way up the Nung River on a US Navy patrol boat in Vietnam to assassinate Colonel Walter Kurtz. Coppola’s film reflects the Vietnam war and all the horrors –seen and unseen— associated with it. Specifically, the dissent into madness and the dehumanizing effects of war. Coppola uses the river to sy mbolize this dissent into madness. The further up the river the crew got, the moreRead MoreHeart of Darkness vs. Apocalypse Now1031 Words   |  5 PagesAwards is an outstanding feat. Francis Ford Coppola s Apocalypse Now did not only that, but won Academy Awards for Best Cinematography and Best Sound. Coppola can not take all the credit for this enlightening movie. The film was loosely based off of Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness. Though Conrad was not credited in Apocalypse Now, his novella has a great impact on Coppola s cinematic masterpiece. Captain Benjamin Willard of Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness s Marlow are very much alike.Read MoreThe Movie Apocalypse Now By Benjamin Willard1096 Words   |  5 PagesThe movie Apocalypse Now is about an Army Captain and special operations returned to Saigon since his involvement in the Vietnam War. This is a man who drinks a lot and is always alone in his own room. One-day military officers General Corman and Colonel Lucas approaches him with an assignment to follow the Nung river into the jungle. He has to find Special Forces Walter Kurtz and kill him. The Colonel Walter went crazy and now commands his own troops in Cambodia. Benjamin Willard the army captainRead MoreEssay Apocalypse Now / Heart of Darkness862 Words   |  4 PagesCongo. Deep in the African jungle his character would make his journey to find the Captain gone astray. Over eighty years later Francis Ford Coppolas Willard would take his journey not in Afica but in the jungles of South Asia. Coppolas Film, Apocalypse Now uses the backdrop of the American Vietnam War yet the similarities between the Conrads novel and Coppolas film remains constant and plenty. In 1899 when Conrad first published his story in Blackwoods Magazine the British Empire was the dominantRead More Searching For Meaning in Apocalypse Now Essay1418 Words   |  6 PagesSearching For Meaning in Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppolas film Apocalypse Now takes the audience into a tense and mystical journey through the Vietnam War. This long and agonizing journey is seen through the eyes of Captain Willard played by Martin Sheen. Sheen. Captain Willard is assigned to a mission that relies on him to assassinate Colonel Kurtz, who is played by Marlon Brando. 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Finally, director Francis Coppala collaborated with his friend John Milius on writing a screen play for Conrads masterpiece. The two came up with Apocalypse Now, utilizing a more modern setting than the original story which was based in imperialistic Europe. The modern setting was that of the Vietnam war. Apocalypse Now focuses on the insanity

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